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Climate chart Moscow

max 23°F min 16°F
max 25°F min 14°F
max 34°F min 23°F
max 46°F min 36°F
max 57°F min 43°F
max 73°F min 57°F
max 79°F min 61°F
max 84°F min 64°F
max 57°F min 46°F
max 50°F min 41°F
max 34°F min 28°F
max 25°F min 16°F

Weekly overview Moscow

Weather Moscow 7 days

Wednesday 08-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 30°F / 43°F
Thursday 09-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 30°F / 45°F
Friday 10-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 34°F / 48°F
Saturday 11-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 37°F / 48°F
Sunday 12-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 34°F / 48°F
Monday 13-05-2024 Overcast 36°F / 46°F
Tuesday 14-05-2024 Partly cloudy 32°F / 52°F
Wednesday 15-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 41°F / 46°F
Thursday 16-05-2024 Overcast 45°F / 55°F
Friday 17-05-2024 Partly cloudy 46°F / 55°F
Saturday 18-05-2024 Partly cloudy 43°F / 61°F
Sunday 19-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 48°F / 55°F
Monday 20-05-2024 Moderate rain 45°F / 54°F
Tuesday 21-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 43°F / 52°F

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Moscow attractions and Travel Tips

Use HAPPYCAR to get the best deal on your Moscow car hire. In just a few clicks, you can have your car booked and be on your way to a journey of a lifetime. Choose to pick-up your car hire Moscow from wherever you want, be it from the Moscow Airport or the provider’s station. Once you have it, you have the freedom to get out and explore one of the greatest cities in the world and its surrounding areas. We compare the prices of national and international providers to find you the best deals on a vacation car hire that fits your specific needs. You can choose the car size and the type of insurance. the possibilities are endless when you book now through the online comparison portal HAPPYCAR!

The first mention of the city of Moscow dates back to 1147, through its history the city has played key roles in the development of Russia. The city is positively drenched in history, with stunning architecture from the days of the Russian empire and imposing structures from the USSR as well as modern skyscrapers. Today the city is the political, economic and cultural heart of a new Russia with a population of over 12 million within an area of over 950 square miles, making it the seventh largest city in the world.


Often considered the central square of Moscow, as many of the major streets emanate from the square, the Red Square features some of the most popular sights in the city. The most famous sight on the square is the Kremlin, the political heart of the country and one of the oldest of areas of the city. The Kremlin is a stunning and impressive structure with its outside walls and towers, and there are also some churches and museums in the complex as well as some gardens to enjoy. Found in front of the Kremlin is Lenin’s Mausoleum, also known as Lenin’s tomb. It is the resting place of Lenin’s body which has been preserved and is now on show. Also on the square is St. Basil's Cathedral, a former church but now a museum. The structure was finished in 1561. It is a stunning and unique building. During the Soviet era, the church was confiscated from the Russian orthodox church. The church, coupled with the Kremlin building is classed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Another impressive building on the square is the State Historical Museum, showcasing millions of objects relating to the history of the nation, with artifacts ranging from prehistoric times to the modern day. The building which the museum is housed in was built in 1881, and houses over 1 million different coins, as well as an old Viking longboat.

Escape the business of the Red Square and escape to one of Moscow’s best parks, Gorky Park. There are many cafes, an open air cinema and public open air art: during winter there is an ice rink, obviously taking a stroll through the park is the highlight of the visit to the area.

Poklonnaya Hill contains Victory Park, a memorial to the Second World War with tanks used in the war on display. There is also a war museum, dedicated to the soviet victory, opened in 1995, the great hall in the center of museum contains the names of the over 11,000 heroes of the Soviet Union.


Having a hire car Moscow gives you the freedom to get out of the city and explore the wonderful surrounding areas, free of the stress that comes from having to use public transport. Kolomna is a small city found 70 miles from Moscow, the city has a number of medieval churches and monasteries which make for good viewing. Kiln is ancient town dating back to the a 12th century, the town has a nice small museum as wall as a couple of churches dating back to the 17th century. If you are in for a Russian road trip, you can drive yourself to the north and explore the beautiful city of St. Petersburg. Anything is possible when you book your next car hire through HAPPYCAR! Let us make your Russian vacation dreams become a reality!