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Climate chart Gdańsk

max 39°F min 36°F
max 39°F min 32°F
max 46°F min 34°F
max 48°F min 37°F
max 59°F min 45°F
max 70°F min 54°F
max 73°F min 57°F
max 79°F min 61°F
max 63°F min 50°F
max 59°F min 48°F
max 45°F min 37°F
max 37°F min 30°F

Weekly overview Gdańsk

Weather Gdańsk 7 days

Friday 03-05-2024 Overcast 52°F / 63°F
Saturday 04-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 52°F / 63°F
Sunday 05-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 50°F / 68°F
Monday 06-05-2024 Moderate rain 45°F / 55°F
Tuesday 07-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 43°F / 48°F
Wednesday 08-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 39°F / 50°F
Thursday 09-05-2024 Partly cloudy 45°F / 57°F
Friday 10-05-2024 Overcast 46°F / 57°F
Saturday 11-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 46°F / 59°F
Sunday 12-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 43°F / 50°F
Monday 13-05-2024 Cloudy 41°F / 57°F
Tuesday 14-05-2024 Partly cloudy 48°F / 57°F
Wednesday 15-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 48°F / 59°F
Thursday 16-05-2024 Partly cloudy 48°F / 61°F

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Gdańsk attractions and Travel Tips

Considered the most beautiful city on the Baltic coast, Gdansk takes pride of place as Poland’s main seaport and a perennial destination for many visitors to the country. The city’s turbulent past is etched in its rich Hanseatic stone-faced architecture and yet manages to revive itself as a vibrant modern destination with a dazzling array of things to see and do. HAPPYCAR is here to help you find the best car hire Gdansk has to offer so you can take full advantage of this intriguing city. We check the prices of international and local providers so that you don’t have to check each website to provide you with the best deals to make your money go further on a rental car that fits your specific vacation needs.

General Information

From amber to academia, Gdansk is much more than its infamous historical heritage suggests, but its strategic position in Europe has certainly given the city a unique past. It was the birthplace of the Second World War and a prime mover in the end of the Cold War, and its German and Polish cultural mix can still be felt today. This gives Gdansk a bright touristic air with a wealth of captivating museums and historical thoroughfares are waiting to be explored. Thanks to its central location, a car hire in Gdansk can connect you to other fascinating sights in Pomerania and beyond.


Gdansk is known as the capital of amber. It is common today to search for small bits of amber to be washed ashore along the beaches. The best times to search for this treasure is after a storm or early in the morning. As a port city, amber has been a heavily traded item for years on the docks of Gdansk. This trading was what sparked the idea for the St. Dominic’s Fair which dates back to the 13th century. Today the fair is one of the most famous and exciting events held in the city. It offers a wide variety of attractions including: concerts, handmade jewelry and crafts, souvenirs and artists’ stalls, traditional cuisine, outdoor stages, sports events and competitions, and artful parades. Fokarium Wildlife Park is located just outside the center of town. Here you can see Baltic grey seals up close. The Wildlife Park is a great attraction for children. There are a total of three large pools that house a number of aquatic creatures from the area. Feeding time occurs daily at 11 am and 3 pm. There is also a small museum inside.


Warsaw is a popular tourist destination for international visitors. With a car hire Gdansk, you can travel comfortably to Warsaw in only four hours. Located in east-central Poland, the city lies in the center of the Masovian Plain. It has the nickname Phoenix City because of the number of wars it has survived throughout history. After the Second World War, eighty-five percent of the city needed to be rebuilt. Warsaw’s Old Town is on the UNESCO’s World Heritage list. There is a wide variety of architectural styles found in Warsaw. This reflects the cities war torn history of having to rebuild after hard times. Today Warsaw is full of modern urban landscapes and contemporary architecture as well as monuments to remember the cities past.

The city of Krakow dates back to the 7th century. It is known as the leading center of Polish academic, cultural, and artistic life. It is also an important economic hub for the country. This city has over forty parks and gardens located near the center. One of the most famous is the Planty Park, which creates a belt around the city’s Old Walls.

You can drive to visit some of the other Hanseatic cities, such as Hamburg, Riga and Tallinn to learn more about his important and ancient trading route which shaped the development of the surrounding areas.

Anything is possible when you book your car hire through HAPPYCAR, the online comparison portal.