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Climate chart Londonderry

max 45°F min 37°F
max 48°F min 39°F
max 50°F min 36°F
max 54°F min 39°F
max 57°F min 45°F
max 63°F min 48°F
max 66°F min 50°F
max 66°F min 50°F
max 61°F min 48°F
max 55°F min 46°F
max 50°F min 43°F
max 43°F min 34°F

Weekly overview Londonderry

Weather Londonderry 14 days

Saturday 07-09-2024 Partly cloudy 55°F / 75°F
Sunday 08-09-2024 Sunny/Clear 55°F / 73°F
Monday 09-09-2024 Sunny/Clear 50°F / 72°F
Tuesday 10-09-2024 Overcast 52°F / 72°F
Wednesday 11-09-2024 Patchy rain possible 52°F / 73°F
Thursday 12-09-2024 Mist 55°F / 70°F
Friday 13-09-2024 Partly cloudy 54°F / 70°F
Saturday 14-09-2024 Partly cloudy 54°F / 72°F
Sunday 15-09-2024 Sunny/Clear 52°F / 70°F
Monday 16-09-2024 Patchy rain possible 54°F / 63°F
Tuesday 17-09-2024 Partly cloudy 54°F / 70°F
Wednesday 18-09-2024 Partly cloudy 59°F / 72°F
Thursday 19-09-2024 Patchy rain possible 50°F / 64°F
Friday 20-09-2024 Cloudy 46°F / 61°F

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Londonderry attractions and Travel Tips

Officially called Londonderry but commonly known as Derry, it is the second largest city in Northern Ireland and the fourth largest on the island of Ireland. The city has its own airport and is also not too far from Belfast’s airports, so you can pick up your hire car Derry straight away or you can choose to pick up your car from the hotel or the provider's office. At HAPPYCAR we guarantee to find you the best deals at the best prices and with our online booking process to find a car hire that fits your specific rental needs. Arranging your rental car Derry could not be easier when you book through the online comparison portal HAPPYCAR.

General information

Derry is found in the northern Irish county of Londonderry, you should take care when speaking the name of the city, as it is a sensitive issue in Northern Irish history, and is situated on the River Foyle. It is believed that the city dates back over 1,200 years, under the rule of King James I when the city’s defensive walls were built. You can still see these walls today. It was these walls that helped defend the city during the longest siege in British history, the siege of Londonderry in 1688 by the catholic forces of James II lasted over 100 days. In more recent history, the city was in the center of the Troubles. Today the city has become a tourist hot spot, a modern city that was declared a UK Capital of Culture in 2013.


The city’s defensive walls were built by King James I in 1613-1619, it are still completely intact. The only kind fully intact in Ireland and have never been breached by an invader despite being laid to siege for 105 days. Walking on the walls one gets a sense of the history of this city.

St. Columb's Cathedral was built in 1633 this cathedral was the first post reformation in the UK and Ireland and it is the oldest surviving building in Derry. Inside you can find artefacts and paintings as well as an empty shell from the great siege.

The Free Derry Corner is located in the west of the city one will find the Bogside district, a predominantly catholic region. In 1969, the district laid host to a three days of violence between youths of the district and the royal ulster constabulary, the British government sent in troops into Northern Ireland. This escalated in 1972 with the Bloody Sunday Massacre and during the trouble a part of the city was declared, ‘free Derry.’ You can still see the famous Muriel on the house wall today.


Tower Museum is housed in a 16th century replica tower house is probably Derry’s best museum. It tells the story of the city from its beginning to the Battle of Bogside, the highlight is the exhibition on the La Trinidad Valenciera. A ship from the Spanish Armada that was wrecked on the coast of Ireland in the 16th century is showcased here. You can see personal items, guns and cannons, and a 2.5 ton gun which has the coat of arms of King Phillip II of Spain as King of England.

Get out

Having a hire car Derry gives you the freedom to get out the city to explore the wonderful county of Londonderry and the rest of Northern Ireland. Or take a day trip and visit some of the other towns and cities in Londonderry. Highly recommended is a drive with your rental car Derry to the only UNESCO World Heritage Site in Northern Ireland 'The Giant's Causeway', or use your vehicle to travel to the capital Belfast, all is possible with a hire car through HAPPYCAR. Begin your journey and book your car now!